- Respect, discretion and trust have top priority
- Our corporate clients and their employees have a binding and personal contact person
- The famPLUS team consists of qualified, experienced employees with a high level of professional and regional competence.
- Honesty, reliability and sustainability characterise our work
- Only qualified and certified individuals, institutions and agencies are placed with us.
- We are certified according to DIN SPEC 77003 by DEKRA.
We offer to our corporate clients and their employees an overview with full transparency of the various solution options and their feasibility.
Your employees are advised neutrally, i.e.:
- across providers
- across cost units
- across municipalities
- across health insurance funds
- We go new innovative ways in social work
- We are active and networked nationwide, which enables us to support all employees and their families.
- Our exclusive focus on our corporate clients and their employees enables us to respond individually and flexibly to their needs.
- Our unique selling point is our two-part counselling and placement process (orientation phase and solution phase), which makes our counselling efficient, effective and unbureaucratic
- All information (online, print) is compiled exclusively by our team of experts and is available exclusively to our clients.
- Our counselling services are easily held in German or English
If you are interested to use our services for your company, feel free to contact us. We will present our offer without obligation and see whether our offer fits your and your employees needs.

Dr. Markus Solf
+49 (0) 89 / 80 99 027 10

Johannes Winklmair
Fachbereichsleitung Pflegeberatung -Eldercare und Innovation
Case Manager im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen (DGCC)
BA Sozialer Arbeit
Fachpfleger Gerontopsychiatrie
089 - 80 99 0 27 27

Claudia Kaltenecker
Fachbereichsleitung Lebenslagen-Coaching/ EAP & Elternberatung
Diplom-Soziologin, Systemische Therapeutin (Einzel, Paar, Familie)
+49 (0) 89 / 80 99 027 20

Ines Hoffmann
Leitung famPLUS Campus
Pflegepädagogin (B.A.), zert. Bildungsmanagerin (FH)
089 / 80 99 027 13