of employees with children say that family-friendly offers of their employer are important to them.
of employees without acute family responsibilities say that family-friendly offers from their employer are important.
The proportion of dissatisfied employees drops from 27 to just under 5 per cent if family-friendly measures are supported.
Company family policy is demonstrably worthwhile and the benefits are not only "felt" but also measurable in business figures. Positive effects of a company's family awareness are, among other things, a reduced absenteeism and sickness rate, the reduction of the self-termination rate and the faster reoccupation of vacant positions. Employee motivation and productivity also increase, as does the quality of job applicants.
As a social enterprise, we have set ourselves the goal of relieving the burden on professionals in the areas of childcare, eldercare, household and psychosocial counselling throughout Germany by providing tailor-made information, counselling and placement services.
If you are interested to use our services for your company, feel free to contact us. We will present our offer without obligation and see whether our offer fits your and your employees needs.

Case Manager im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen (DGCC)
BA Sozialer Arbeit
Fachpfleger Gerontopsychiatrie

Diplom-Soziologin, Systemische Therapeutin (Einzel, Paar, Familie)