Life coaching

Together for your mental well-being

Our services

We support you in individual life situations through solution-oriented counselling and empowering coaching. Together with you we find new perspectives in the following areas:

  • We support you in individual life situations through solution-oriented counselling and empowering coaching. Together with you we find new perspectives in the following areas:
  • Work-related issues: conflicts, mobbing, dismissal
  • Health issues: anxiety, burnout, depression, addiction
  • Family issues: financial problems, separation, illness, marriage
  • Crisis intervention: suicide, deaths, serious illnesses, threats
  • Support in finding individual solutions: psychotherapy offers, specialists
  • Relief, training and self-help offers for those affected and their relatives
  • Executive coaching


famPLUS Lebens-& Sozialratgeber

famPLUS life coaching guide

Do you have the feeling of losing your bearings and wish for a better balance between work and everyday life? Are you looking for help or for someone else? Challenges in your family or partnership push you to your limits? The life coaching guidebook gives you professional support, valuable tips to read and listen to, as well as helpful tools.


Search for offers

Search for offers and you will find counselling centres, therapists, clinics and crisis services as well as other helpful supporting services in your area.

famPLUS Führungskräfte-Ratgeber

famPLUS Manager's guide

As a manager you have a great responsibility - leading employees, pursuing company goals, coping well with crisis situations and much more. The famPLUS Executive Guidebook provides you with initial assistance, specialist information on various topics and valuable checklists.

Your contact

We are at your disposal.

Claudia Kaltenecker
Fachbereichsleitung Lebenslagen-Coaching/ EAP & Elternberatung

Diplom-Soziologin, Systemische Therapeutin (Einzel, Paar, Familie)

+49 (0) 89 / 80 99 027 20

Register with famPLUS

To use the free famPLUS services, please register.
Please enter your professional e-mail address to verify your company affiliation.
If you do not have a work email address, please call us on 089-8099027-00.
Our service is anonymous and free of charge. All data is treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent.